Welcome to a life unstuck
Are you ready to take the first step on your time-travelling journey?

Who is this for? 

  • Do you feel stuck, anxious, or overwhelmed by fears? 
  • Are you curious how understanding your past and future can impact your present? 
  • Are you looking for an accessible entry point to transpersonal therapy and time travel?

Why "Time Traveller Gateway"?

'Time Traveller Gateway' is your initiation into a transformative journey. I won't offer you quick fixes. I'll promise you meaningful insights and a fresh perspective on your challenges.

What's Inside?

Three hours of deep immersive sessions to discover the greater meaning that answers your questions. All sessions are conducted visually (and privately) through Zoom.

A Snapshot Roadmap linking past, present, and future.

Guided Exploration of Key Moments and Decisions.

Actionable Insights for Immediate Application

What Can You Expect?

  • Newfound Clarity - You'll gain a better understanding of why you're facing your current challenges and how to approach them.
  • Empowerment - You will walk away feeling more in control of your life, armed with actionable steps.
  • A Big Glimpse into Time Travel - It's more than a taste of how weaving through your timeline can offer you profound insights and real-world benefits.

How It Works:

  • Secure Your Spot: After payment, you'll be directed to our online booking system to pick a time that suits you. 'Time Traveller Gateway' is available Monday to Friday (including holidays), 9 AM - 5 PM PDT.
  • First Session: Your journey starts with a 60-90 minute session, designed to lay the groundwork for what's to come. 
  • Customize Your Experience: With 180 minutes in your package, you'll be able to schedule additional sessions to dive even deeper. 
  • Revisit and Reflect: Every session comes with an audio recording. Re-experience the profound moments of self-discovery anytime you need a boost or a reminder of your limitless potential.

If you find yourself burdened by the weight of past traumas, or perhaps paralyzed by the anxieties of the present, unable to make decisions due to fear or indecisiveness, imagine what life could be like if you could break free from these chains and navigate your path with clarity and purpose. 

Or maybe you're feeling stuck, drifting through life without a clear sense of purpose or direction. Imagine what it would be like to break free from the shackles of your past, navigate your present with clarity, and shape your future with intention.  

By letting your soul take the lead, you'll travel through time and space, gaining insight into the complexities of your existence and the roles you’ve played across lifetimes. You'll identify key patterns, connect with original source understandings, reveal the multidimensional facets of your being, and illuminate the path to your most authentic self.

Are You Ready?

You don't have to let your challenges hold you back any longer. This is the first step toward a life filled with clarity, purpose, and empowerment.

  • Total payment
  • 1xTime Traveller Gateway$0

All prices in CAD

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($995.00)$995.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $510.00)2x $510.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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Amy S

"Jonni's one-on-one past life work was very specific to my needs. She worked with me closely to ensure that all aspects of the regression process were thoroughly covered and clear. Thanks to her personalized approach and vast experience I feel much more confident in my life and relationship and business skills now."

Terri R

"I knew in the first minute that Jonni was someone I could trust to do past life work with. Her knowledge, openness, and sincerity impressed me. I fully trust that Jonni will be there as the perfect guide whenever anything else comes along that I know has greater, deeper, and more significant meaning than meets the eye. I would highly recommend Jonni as a regression therapist."

"Jonni is an absolute gem! From the moment I landed on her website, I knew I had found the perfect guide for my inner journey. Her warmth, compassion, and expertise shone through every word and image, creating an instant connection and sense of trust. 


I explored many past lives with Jonni who guided me with her gentle but powerful presence. Her expert understanding of regression therapy and her ability to create a safe space allowed me to fully open up, release so much deep-seated emotions, and finally unravel the mysteries I had about so many things. 

 Jonni's intuitive guidance and obvious deep knowledge of the human psyche helped her to uncover the underlying patterns and beliefs that were definitely holding me back in my present life. Through her skillful techniques and really insightful questions, I learned so much about myself, my closest relationships, and the choices that have shaped my life. 


To me what sets Jonni apart is her ability to weave together my past life experiences, my future life possibilities, and what she calls soul memories into a whole picture. A huge picture. She helped me connect the dots and find meaning in experiences that made absolute sense. 

 I felt that Jonni's work went beyond just regression therapy. It was a soulful exploration that touched at the very core of who I am. That's why I mean it when I say that Jonni's presence is a true gift. Her kindness, empathy, and genuine care created an environment for both my healing and growth. She held a space for me with so much understanding. It allowed me to fully express myself without any judgment or limitation. 

 Working with Jonni has really been a life-changing experience. Through our sessions, I gained the clarity I needed, healed some very old wounds that were recently activated, and kinda fell in love with myself. LOL. Her guidance has really empowered me to step into my authentic self, to live with this new purpose and passion, and to create the life I always dreamed of. 

 I would recommend Jonni to anyone who's looking for a regression therapist who will hold their hand through the hard parts and celebrate the discoveries. Her expertise, her genuine care will leave you forever changed. I am eternally grateful for the profound impact she has had on my life." 


Is This Only for Those Who Believe in Past Lives?

Not at all. 'Time Traveller Gateway' and Time Travel Therapy are designed to offer valuable insights regardless of your belief system. Think of it as explorative therapy sessions where you're tapping into the subconscious to gain clarity. Whether you see it as a metaphorical journey or a literal one, the outcomes—better understanding, clarity, and actionable insights—are what truly matter.

What If I'm Skeptical About the Whole Time Travel Aspect?

Healthy skepticism is welcomed! These sessions aim to provide a transformative experience through self-exploration and awareness. Even if you're skeptical about the concept of time travel or past lives, the focus is on gaining new perspectives that empower you to make meaningful changes. Think of it as a unique approach to therapy that provides you with actionable insights, whether or not you subscribe to the idea of time travel.

Are you feeling stuck in a repetitive cycle or a loop and need to break free? 

'Time Traveller Gateway' is your ticket to breaking out of repetitive cycles and long-standing patterns. By delving into your timeline, you'll discover the roots of your current challenges. This newfound perspective will equip you with the insights you need to make more empowered choices and embrace new behaviours.

Are you craving more than surface-level answers and want a deeper understanding of your life's purpose?

If so, 'Time Traveller Gateway' is your portal to uncharted depths of self-awareness. By exploring the hidden facets of your life and delving into your soul's intentions, you'll do more than just scratch the surface. You'll unearth past-life secrets, gain eye-opening insights, and unlock the power to sculpt a future that aligns with your deepest purpose.

Ready to rewrite your story and craft a life that's uniquely you?


'Time Traveller Gateway' aren't just sessions. They're a catalyst for transformation. By journeying through the timelines of your lives, you'll unveil the wisdom that's been within you all along. This clarity will serve as your compass, guiding you to reshape a life that not only fulfills your deepest desires but also resonates with your truest self.

Seeking a fresh lens on your current struggles?

Time Travel Therapy is more than a trip down memory lane. It's an eye-opening transformational tool. By plunging into the hidden dynamics of your past lives, you'll shed new light on your present-day challenges. This newfound understanding sets the stage for transformative changes that can elevate your life to new heights.

Meet Your Guide: Dr. Jonni

Hi, I'm Jonni, your guide in the journey of deepest self-discovery. As an expert in transpersonal psychology, I specialize in helping you connect with the universal currents that shape your past, present, and future. Together, we'll explore deep connections and unlock holistic growth for a richer, more aligned life.

Terms & Conditions By making an investment, you acknowledge and accept the following terms:   
Results Disclaimer: Jonni Gray does not provide any guarantees regarding outcomes from courses, programs, teaching, training, or sessions.   
Non-Refundable Offer: This offer is non-refundable. If you have opted for a payment plan, you are committed to fulfilling your payments as agreed upon, on the specified dates, and in their entirety. Failure to adhere to payment terms may result in temporary removal from the program until payments are brought up to date and fulfilled.   
Payment Plan Modifications: If you require modifications to your payment plan, a $20.99 administrative fee will apply.   
Intellectual Property Rights: This offer is the exclusive intellectual property of Jonni Gray. Unauthorized repurposing, duplication, copying, or selling of this course, in any manner or format, without the explicit written consent of Jonni Gray, is strictly prohibited.   
Copyright Notice: Copyright 2023 by DRJONNIGRAY.  
Your engagement with this investment implies your understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Copyright 2023 DrJonni.com